An Outline for Inbound Marketing Success

Inbound marketing is a set of marketing strategies and techniques focused on pulling relevant prospects and customers towards a business and its products.

Inbound marketing is becoming widely acknowledged because it complements the way buyers make purchasing decisions today—they are using the search engines to learn about the products and services that best meet their needs.

Define Your Goals, Strategy, Team, and Marketing Channels

Define your business goals, outline your strategy, assemble your team, identify your target audience, and choose the right online marketing channels for your objectives. Define the metrics you will use to measure success and ROI, and set the benchmarks and goals for success.

You may also need to design or redesign your website and/or blog, set up and optimize your social media accounts, and assign roles and establish policies for your team.

Create Content

Create content for your website, blogs, social media, or other channels you have chosen. Develop a content marketing strategy and plan, brainstorm topics that will engage your target audience, set a publishing schedule, and share your content.

Maximize and Improve SEO, SMO, and Search Marketing

Develop a search marketing strategy and identify the best practices for SEO and social media optimization (SMO). Research the top keywords and keyword phrases needed to reach your intended audience. Optimize your website, blogs, and other content according to these guidelines and keywords. Track and continuously improve your search engine rankings and results.

Engage the Online Community

Build a social media strategy and engage the online community. Research competitor activities in social media, the most effective channels, and current online discussions involving your target audience. Create social personas and profiles that reflect your brand. Join in online discussions, share useful and informative content, and recruit followers and drive leads via social media.

Capture and Convert Leads

Develop a lead capture and conversion strategy. Create valuable offers and content, such as discounts, promotions, informative blogs, PDF guides, webinars, videos, and live online events. Create calls to action, landing pages, and lead capture mechanisms for the content you offer. Create nurturing campaigns and define the content marketing, email marketing, and sales follow up designed to nurture and convert your leads.

Analyze Results, Calculate Your ROI and Apply Best Practices

Analyze the results of your online engagement and your inbound marketing to identify ROI, success factors, trends, and useful insights for continuous improvement. Analyze inbound web traffic, traffic sources, links, page ranks, keyword rankings, organic search traffic, and social media metrics. Review the best channels, content, and strategies that drive successful sales conversions. Revise your strategy, adjust tactics, and optimize your efforts for future success.

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